The Asset of Collaboration By Pretty Fly Society
Have you ever wondered how organizations are able to stay successful for a long period of time? We are all familiar with the easy answer of building a solid team but what does this “team” consist of?
Pretty Fly Society has curated a formula for the culture to partake of that will not only elevate your brand image but open a world full of opportunity. Pretty Fly Society founders, Franck Mille and Angelo Diaz present Bovtiqve Fashion Week, a global fashion experience partnered with independent companies across all barriers to benefit from marketing, business development, entrepreneurship skills and much more.
What are the secret ingredients?
Inside of Bovtiqve is the roman numeral number five which symbolizes the five key aspects of success and what is required.
I. Responsibility (noun): the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
A machine consists of several components. Step by step, something has to be done to proceed to the next step in order to finish the final result and serve consumers whether it be a product or service. If a component stops functioning, the process stops, and the whole system is sabotaged. This is an example of what happens when you are not accountable for your position. Each component must be responsible for its specific task to reach the end goal of a successful outcome.
II. Respect (noun): a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T . The commonly used phrase “You have to give respect to get respect” is true to the core. The number one key to building success is relationships and how do you build relationships? By stepping outside of your territory. But you can’t just expect people to honor you upfront and they don’t even know you. Building a relationship of trust is how you gain respect.
III. Style (noun): 1. a manner of doing something.
2. a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed.
“Fashion Fades, Style is Eternal” - YSL
How you showcase your demeanor presents who you are on the inside and out. This determines how others view you and how they approach you.
IV. Integrity (noun): the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
Integrity is simply staying true to what you believe in so others will feel the same.
V. Inclusion(noun): the action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.
Success is all built on the foundation of unity. Referring back to the example of responsibility, everyone on the team needs to be unified to accomplish the ultimate goal.
If you don’t believe us just view results from brands across the country like KOJ Designs, Royal Bum, Sankofa Athletics, Paul Mitchell the School, Layal Loyal, Ytteb Boutique, Brand Faith Ruby, etc. that have collaborated with Pretty Fly Society.
Vol I. Pursue Your Dreams - Jaiko Vol.3 Print
Vol II. A New Journey
Vol. III. The Believe Tour
Vol. IV. Manifest Your Destiny
Mix all these ingredients together and you get the result of massive brand success.
BVFW Homecoming in Atlanta, Ga September 21st-25th 2022
Although BVFW is built on the foundation of Responsibility, Respect, Style, Integrity, and Inclusion, the ultimate spice that adds to the addiction is trade.: the action of buying and selling goods and services.
The future for BVFW will make history like never before as they cultivate the community and break society’s standards of what is and is not qualified.